Centralized Water Softening Plants

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Commercial Water Softening Plants

Centralized Softening Plants for Societies, Apartments and Commercial Buildings.

Available in different Capacity 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 Liters volume onwards.


Soft water is scale free, so your floors, sink, taps, showers stay cleaner, clog free forever.

Soft water is good for skin and hair, help dry skin conditions such as Eczema & Psoriasis.

Soaps, shampoos & detergents lather well and soap consumption reduces up to 50%. Cloths wash softens, cleaner and brighter.

Full flowing showers because of less clogging. Lesser glass spots less and dark stone counter tops keep cleaner when washed.

Improves efficiency & extends life of washing machines, dishwashers and water heaters, shower panels.